What is digitalization? Tips and tools for success


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According to a recent study published by the Baldwin Partners platform , 60% of medium-sized companies (ETI) are convinced of the positive impact of digital on their turnover.

This is one of the best ways for structures to preserve their activity and accelerate their growth. In this guide, we explain how to successfully digitize your business.

Digitization: What is it?

Digitization is an approach that concretely consists of modifying management or marketing processes using digital tools. It improves interactions between companies, their customers and between teams.

Digital transformation, digitization or digital transformation?

Digitization is the use of digital tools (applications, SaaS tools, hardware, etc.) on a daily basis.

Digital (or digital) transformation is a larger process. It consists in fully integrating the technologies digital in all of its activities .

The digitalization of companies: what is it?

In a company, digitalization is the implementation of tools to facilitate the work of your teams. These are most often SaaS tools (software as a service): these software do not need to be downloaded.

They are available on browser and are billed on a recurring basis (monthly or annually). There is therefore no (or little) cost of setting up at launch. This is particularly the case of Twilead CRM .

For example, a company can implement an ERP to:

  • Digitize and automate exchanges between its logistics department and its sales department
  • Facilitate accounting records
  • Obtain data from all its services in real time

We will see below in the article the different tools that can be implemented in your business.

Why is digitalization so important?

Digitization saves time. Indeed, the automation of repetitive tasks will allow a better optimization of working time.

Digitalization also allows organizations to conduct more efficient marketing and sales operations. This is mainly the case thanks to very effective targeting.

For example, Twilead makes it possible to find leads and verify their contacts withits Twilead Finder service.

Digitization is also useful for examining consumer behavior in order to present a smooth customer journey .. This is the case of the lead rating functionalities (automatic scoring of the probability of conversion) available in some CRMs .

For example, the redesign carried out in early 2019 by the car brand BMW is the perfect illustration of this.. The constructor has invested almost a billion euros in the development of an impressive digital ecosystem .

The company has internalized training for digital professions (Big Data, IT engineers, etc.) and built an online sales model : it is now possible to reserve your car on their application.

How has digital changed the customer experience?

The digitization of companies has advanced the relationship between customers and the company. With this new mode of operation, brands can reach their customers with multi-channel campaigns.

A multi-channel campaign is a multi-channel marketing campaign. For example, if you do email outreach, you can also react and interact on Linkedin automatically. Some tools are specialized for this purpose. You can also carry out advertising retargeting (on Facebook for example) from the email address.

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IOT) consists of integrating physical objects on the Internet. This concept is linked to a number of technologies. These are for example:

  • Location technologies like GPS
  • Wireless networks or mobile communication networks (WLAN, 3G, 4G, etc.)
  • The cloud (online servers)
  • artificial intelligence

It is concretely a vast network of physical equipment which integrate several tools such as physical sensors. These may be light sensors, humidity sensors or motion sensors.

For companies, the IOT will reduce and more effectively control the costs related to the activity (logistics monitoring for example) with real-time data collection.

Tools to digitize your business

If you plan to digitize your business , here are some tools you should adopt.

A website

Have an online presence is an essential step nowadays. Your website is your storefront. It is an acquisition channel thanks to natural referencing.

There are many tools that you can use to create and administer your website. Among others, we can cite the WordPress CMS , and its extensions dedicated to e-commerce (WooCommerce). You can also use specialized e-commerce solutions (Strikingly, Shopify etc.).

A mobile app

These tools will help you collect information from your customers. Most users are unable to part with their phones and tablets. Indeed, according to an Axa Prévention report, 61% of French systematically consult their mobile or tablet as soon as they wake up. Nearly half of French people connect to a screen every 10 minutes!

Digital content

This content can be transmitted with various channels:

  • Newsletters

Newsletters are emails sent regularly (daily, weekly, etc.). They allow you to cover the latest news in your sector. Also, they will help you stay in touch with your customers and prospects. Their purpose is to remind your customers that you exist.

Morning Zapping by Marc Fiorentino, a financial market specialist, is a fine example of success. The BFM Business presenter offers the 350,000 subscribers the possibility of accessing a decryption of economic news written by him every morning (we recommend it!).

  • Blog

The blog represents one of the most important aspects of your online content strategy. It has three main objectives: attract, convert and retain visitors. It improves the SEO performance of your website.

Hubspot’s blog is arguably one of the most effective in marketing. With nearly 2,000 articles on its French blog, Hubspot has obtained nearly 500,000 external links (backlinks) pointing to its site.

  • Video content (YouTube)

Video is a real marketing lever. This is the preferred format of Internet users. According to an IAB study, 86% of 15/24 year olds watch at least 1 video per week .

Videos are easier to read and get a lot of messages across in a short time. The YouTube channel Leroy Merlin , for example, has been able to capitalize on this channel to convert its prospects into customers, with DIY training.

Automation and digitization tools

Marketing automation tools make digital marketing easier.

  • CRMs

CRMs (Customer Relationship Management) are tools for assessing customer needs. With the help of CRM software, your business can record and manage each contact and exchange with each customer or prospect. You will be able to track all your business activities.

  • ERP

It is a company resource planning software. The principle of ERP is to centralize your data. More specifically, it facilitates modification in the various integrated modules (stock management, sales, etc.). Among the ERP tools that exist, we can mention:

  • zoho
  • SAP
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • Divalto
  • Wise
  • Oracle

Note that these are tools dedicated to large companies.


  • RPA

RPA is relatively easy to implement. the Robotic Process Automation lets you automate repetitive tasks. This saves speed and eliminates human error.

This technology is now applied in areas such as accounting, control and auditing. RPA solutions make it possible to enter large volumes of data (several invoices, quotes, financial reports, etc.).

  • Autoresponder by email

This type of tool that automatically sends targeted emails. It facilitates the management of customer requests (needs for support, incoming leads, making appointments, etc.).

  • Create workflows

A workflow is a set of activities or operations useful for carrying out a specific task. Create workflows automates marketing processes, sales and service to increase team efficiency. Define registration criteria to automatically save data sheets and respond to your contacts, companies, etc.

There are tools that allow you to create your workflows without code. If you want to use the best tools on the market, choose the software Leadin and Zapier .

Zapier is a powerful tool that will essentially allow you to create and administer information flows between several applications. Zapier integrates applications such as Facebook Lead Ads, Quickbooks and Google Docs, among others.

leadin meanwhile, is a solution dedicated to the automatic generation of qualified leads. It allows you to create workflows for sending emails and Linkedin messages.

Our advice for a successful digitization

To successfully digitize your business, here are some tips that you will need to apply:

Adopt a digital vision and bet on training

To succeed in your digitalization, you will need to rely on quality training for your employees internally. Some of your collaborators may not be up to date on new technologies. It is necessary to train them.

Depending on your field of activity, you will determine the bases of this training and the direction in which to direct the learning. For example, you can access the Udemy platform, a very affordable online training marketplace. For example, you will find training for CRMs or ERPs .

Create a quality website

Just like the window in front of your store, your website must be attractive to visitors. To optimize your visibility, consider adopting a natural (SEO) or paid (SEA) referencing approach.

Develop digital communication channels

Nowadays, Internet users are sensitive to social networks. According to a study published by the social media agency OnlySo, in May 2021, the number of active social media users stands at 4.33 billion (55.1% of the world’s population). It’s a great way to keep in touch with your customers.

In 2022, more than 333.2 billion emails were sent daily worldwide ( Statista study). This is a channel to be favored in your company’s communication strategy.

The advantages and disadvantages of digitization

Digitization is not always 100% positive. It is also synonymous with certain constraints.

The benefits of digitization

In retail, for example, click-and-collect is spreading more and more. The customer places his order online. At the time of delivery, he has the option of withdrawing his order by going to the chosen collection point. This is a huge advantage for stores: simplified inventory management, no shelving, less rent and wages to pay…

What are the risks of digital transformation for an organization?

Today’s digital business transformation manifests itself in the concentration and proliferation of digital data. The latter are increasingly handled by systems that are generally not properly secured.

One of the challenges of digitalization is the human factor. This transformation directly affects employees. An employee who is not motivated is generally less productive. However, the implementation of digital tools is sometimes poorly perceived by some employees.

Other risks relate to data management. Mobile digital technologies and social networks promote the sharing of private data that harms certain individuals. Especially when it comes to financial, medical, or other important matters.

You must therefore secure the data you have, and respect the confidentiality rules of the GDPR.

Examples of digitization

The whole economy is going digital. Here are some examples of successful digitization:


Today’s consumers want memorable experiences. The leaders of Nike have understood this. With the “Nike by Melrose” store, Nike opened a unique new store in Los Angeles in July 2022. Its concept is based on the marketing data that Nike has collected on the city’s target group.

Thanks to the NikePlus Sport app, Nike knew that LA users had particular preferences. The brand knew that users in this region liked running, playing basketball, and that they liked to compete. The brand therefore opened a store taking into account these criteria in the design and supply of products.

Supported by an effective digital transformation , the brand has succeeded in growing its activities thanks to a “ data-driven supply chain » very efficient. This is an approach that ensures optimal visibility of flows and stocks. This method has allowed Nike to experience a significant increase in its e-commerce activities.

The global pandemic has unfortunately and clearly confirmed the importance of digital within brands. For the first time Nike has been able to rely on digital to develop dramatically increased its online sales by nearly 80% .


Yves Rocher

To make the most of digitalization, the Yves Rocher group is developing its information system through data and data science. Yves Rocher bases its development on customer knowledge. The brand does not rely on a typical customer journey. Since the health crisis, the brand has tested other purchasing channels such as Live Video Shopping. With this system, it is possible for customers to make a purchase remotely with a video call with a beauty consultant.



The new Decathlon store in Singapore is betting on a new motto: Experience, Digital, Community. Popularized by Alibaba in China with its Hema supermarket, the phrase represents a new way of thinking about stores. They prioritize customer experience.

With the help of RFID technology, the product is recognized directly in the connected stands. The store’s stock is accessible in real time. Sellers receive a message on both their smartphone and their smartwatch to respond to customer needs. Customers pay for their purchases without scanning them, and without the help of an advisor (the waiting time at the checkout is reduced).

The digitization of Decathlon’s points of sale has advanced with the installation of “Bornes Plus” in its agencies. Located in stores, these terminals allow visitors to access the entire Decathlon offer through their online sales pages. The customer finds the same presentation as on the brand’s e-commerce site with a giant touch screen.

More advanced terminals even allow you to help choose your product (hiking boots for example)!

The terminal is available to customers and sellers on the shelves, especially where the entire offer cannot be present (bicycles, fitness, hiking, etc.). This is the case of small points of sale in town.



And you ? Are you more for or against having your meeting in the future Metaverse of Facebook?

Would you be willing to pay for advertising signs in fictitious streets, or to buy the walls of a virtual office?

However, we are not at that stage yet. But if you’re an entrepreneur looking to generate and track leads and customers, there are solutions that are available now, not 15 years from now.

Twilead is an easy-to-use and very complete CRM : it replaces most of your marketing tools.

In addition to allowing you to manage your leads and your messages, Twilead is a real all-in-one tool:

  • Automate your marketing with workflows, without a single line of code.
  • Automatically send emails , replace Calendly for your appointment scheduling and create sales funnels with landing pages, forms and lead magnets.
  • Manage your e-reputation from the tool.
  • Generate leads and automatically verify their contact information.
  • Create your website.

Digitizing your business does not necessarily mean implementing hundreds of tools costing several thousand euros per month.

Take the next step in your digitalization with Twilead, for only €75/month/user:

Click here to book a demo of the tool.

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