How to create a landing page that converts?

create landing page

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Creating a landing page designed for conversion isn’t rocket science, it only requires the right tools and a little work.

In marketing, it’s essential, you owe it to yourself to learn how to create a landing page that gives your prospects what they want. This therefore means that you have to go beyond the simple design of a page with a very aesthetic design but which does not sell you!

So how do you demystify this process and launch your own landing page to increase your conversion rate?

We will of course explain that in this article, to know everything, continue reading.

What is a landing page?

How you can see it is an Anglicism, if we translate it, it would give “referring page” but in the everyday language of marketing, we keep more of the original word in English.

What is a landing page? This is a static page that serves as a catalyst to advance your prospects in their buying journey and bring them closer to the status “ customer “. Unlike other pages on your website, your landing page has a simple purpose: convince your visitors to engage one of your defined objectives . (Contact, download a white paper, purchase a product, etc.)

After having seen the definition of a landing page, let’s now take a look at its purpose. The objective of a good landing page is therefore to increase your conversion rate in order to achieve your marketing and / or business growth objectives. Your landing page can be your home page, another static page, or even a stand-alone page created to launch a specific sales campaign.

When it comes to a landing page versus a “classic” home page or another page that your visitors find through search engines, people are often confused.

It all depends on how they find your page and what the page is for. People often find homepages through the word of mouth or via your social networks , while landing pages are often found from organic way , using keywords and high-level search results. (That is to say via your natural referencing or SEO)

Each page has his own goal : inform, act as a gateway to the rest of the site (like in your home page), or a number of other reasons.

A landing page is generally promoted by Google Adwords or another similar service, and it exists for one reason: CONVERT.

Creation of a landing page

Landing page conversion rates vary by industry. From studies reveal that the average rate is 2.35% , the top 25% of companies with conversion rates above 5% . The top 10% of companies have conversion rates greater than 11% , and that’s what you need to aim for.

But how do you create a great landing page that drives conversions?

Follow these 15 tips when it comes to landing page creation and you’ll be on your way to creating content with high conversion rates.

Have a clear call to action

Call to action creation

Use little call-to-action

The call to action or the “call-to-action” is surely the most important element in a landing page with a high conversion rate. It is the bridge between your visitors and the action you want them to take. That’s why, it’s super important not to lose them with 50 different CTAs. Use in two at most , otherwise you risk distracting their attention from the objective at hand.

Make your CTA stand out

When someone lands on your page, you want them to immediately know how to perform the desired action. There are a variety of tactics you can employ to make your CTA stands out on the page and grabs their attention. Use a contrasting color. Use action-oriented language on your CTA button. Use arrows or pictograms to designate it.

The location of your CTA

Because your CTA is so important, you want it to be clearly visible when someone lands on your landing page. You can achieve this by placing it “above the fold” or at the top of the page, clearly visible without needing to scroll the page. If internet users have to scroll the page to find it, many will miss it.

Of course, before establishing your CTA, have a clear objective in mind in order to define your overall approach as well as the creation of your CTA .

Add a touch of personality, but don’t overwhelm your audience.

The most effective landing pages are those that manage to give your brand for which they are sold without however overwhelm your audience by “doing too much”, you have to find the right balance with a small “touch of personality” defining your product or service.

For example, a page that “plays” with the reader through colloquial language, laughing tone, self-deprecation, or the like is a great way. establish a connection (Depending on your target). Especially with a group that is more prone to react to humor in marketing, like millennials and the younger generations. But if you go overboard with humor, you risk giving the impression that you are mocking the reader, so measure yourself!

The lighter the page, the longer your users stay

Optimization of the page

Landing pages are intended to be quick stops on your site , aimed at a specific objective. You don’t want them to be cluttered with text or a long series of images.

You will get a better result t keeping the content of the page simple and light. The easier the information is to read, the more conversions you will get.

Also, make sure your page loads quickly. You can lose conversions just because people were tired of waiting for it to load:

Use the tools Google Page Speed and GT Metrix to find what is slowing down your site. Here is a handy checklist that will help you improve your page speed.

Use the Mobile-Friendly Test tool from Google to make sure your site displays correctly on mobile devices.
Monitor your site’s downtime (i.e. how often your site is down).
Use Uptime Report which monitors the uptime of major hosting platforms.
Use an SEO audit tool like S EM Rush or Alexa to build custom reports on your site’s performance.

Concerning the design part and the content

Write short and concise texts for your pages

Along with your header, you’ll want to include additional text to convey the nature of the offer and further capture the attention of your readers. Your text should be short and concise. The longer it is, the more likely you are to annoy someone and lose their attention. It will cost you a conversion.

Use bullet points to support your strengths

The use of bullets points or “puces” in French is an excellent way to communicate the key points of your offer in a short text. Think about the most important points you want to convey and create punchy bullet points that relay your key points in as few words as possible.

Include your value proposition

What sets you and your offering apart from the competition? It’s yours unique value proposition . You have to find a way to include it in your concise text to help you stand out from the crowd. Don’t mention the name of your competition, but be sure to reinforce the unique value you bring.

Use engaging visuals

Use some of the space left by incorporating minimal text to add an image, video or other visual representation of your offer to your landing page. The people are inspired and engaged by strong images . By choosing the right photo, you will be able to capture their minds and hearts at the same time and therefore touch their emotions .

Include a point of contact

Make it easy to contact you if someone is browsing your page and having questions. Plan several contact methods so that people can reach you through their preferred channel. A prospect who has questions is an engaged prospect, so make it easy for them to get the information they need.

Include customer stories

This is called the social proof , and it works. Including some testimonials at the bottom of your page gives you credibility . Make sure they’re small and non-intrusive, so they don’t distract your potential customers. And make sure it is real testimonials! If you use fake ones, people will notice.

Keep forms short

If you are using your landing page to collect information about your prospects, you will need a form to do it. If you’re using your page to generate leads, make sure your form is short and doesn’t ask for too much information. In fgeneral, last name, first name, email address and company name are sufficient . You can always collect more data on them afterwards. You might scare them off if you go too far and ask for too much information in your first lead generation form.

Of course, within these forms, remember to include elements certifying the security of data collected . This will build trust with your new prospects and especially like that you will be legal!

Align your elements

Aligning the design elements on your page is important. Correct alignment ensures fluidity of your landing page and makes it easier for you to direct attention to your CTA. Imagine that the page is divided into three equal vertical sections. You can combine two for a 2-1 or 1-2 line-up, or use a simple 1-1-1 line-up.

Impeccable grammar and spelling

Nothing damages your credibility more than a poorly written text, riddled with typos or grammatical errors. Make sure your writing is impeccable . With short, concise text, it shouldn’t take long to check for errors. So take the time to make sure your text contains no errors.

Improve and promote

Use A / B testing to identify what works and what doesn’t.
The A / B tests allow you to try out different elements on your landing page and determine which ones convert the most prospects. You can experiment with different texts, images, designs and more. It helps you find the recipe that drives conversions with your audience.

A / B testing

To go further on concept A / B test

Finally for communicate your new conversion page:

  • Launch ads campaigns to drive traffic – Use google ads / Facebook Ads to get to the top of search engine results for a specific keyword or in a social media feed. Use this tactic to present your offer to new prospects who are searching for this term.
  • Promote on your social networks – You should always use social networks to extend the reach of your landing page’s offer. You can write regular posts for your followers. You can then boost these messages to extend their reach.
  • Create a tracking page for ongoing engagement – When someone clicks on your offer, they are redirected to a confirmation or follow-up page that you created. Your follow-up page is a great place to continue engaging your potential customer. Provide links to additional resources on the same topic, to other offers you find interesting, or to your website or blog. The goal is to keep them browsing your content in order to increase their engagement and bring them closer to customers.


Remember, the goal of your landing page is to CONVERT, once they arrive on your landing page, your visitor must take action!

To do this, think like your prospects, ask yourself what would interest you if you were in their shoes.

Of course, the “ideal landing page” will be different for each company because it will depend on your offer, your communication tone and your target audience. To identify which is the most effective, experiment with different options, empathize, and understand what your audience wants! By following these few tips given above, you will need to generate more leads.

Moreover, to create and test landing pages quickly, there are dedicated tools , you can create a landing page via WordPress, Wix or Webflow that already has landing page templates. To learn more about this topic, check out Twilead and schedule a demo of our tool that will help you convert more leads in no time!