Top 7 tools to create a lead generation form

Formulaire en ligne

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Invented in 1993 by HTML pioneer Dave Raggett, the contact form is still a key element of the lead generation strategy. Curiously, the forms found today on landing pages and contact pages are not much different from the versions of the late 1990s.

Are you looking for a powerful tool to create intuitive, personalized and lead-generating contact forms ? Twilead offers you its top 7 with a presentation, advantages, disadvantages and pricing of each solution to help you make an informed choice !

#1 Twilead, the marketing, sales and CRM platform

Designed for local businesses, consultants, trainers, freelancers, and agencies, Twilead is an all-in-one platform that centralizes all marketing, sales, and CRM functionality to grow your business at a lower cost.

The solution structures your sales and marketing efforts in 5 steps :

  1. Lead generation and marketing automation tools: simple and advanced automation campaigns, more than 40 predefined actions and templates, online forms, landing pages, websites and sales funnels creation… ;
  2. Sales pipelines and agendas: build your sales pipelines and agendas, manage prospect tracking and lead progression, refine your revenue forecasts…
  3. Unlimited contact and e-reputation management: centralization of all communications in a single feed, unlimited import and organization of contacts in a CRM, intelligent segmentation of audiences and management of reviews online ;
  4. Simple, no-code integrations to enable synergies between the different tools in your technology stack (MarTech and SalesTech) ;
  5. Your account with you, everywhere, on computer, mobile and tablet.

Benefits of Twilead

  • An all-in-one solution that streamlines corporate expenses and resources. Twilead saves you up to €1 500 per month ;
  • The ” brick ” for lead generation is well put together, with powerful features, in Plug & Play mode ;
  • Twilead allows you to create online forms and integrate them in a few clicks into a personalized landing page ;
  • The ability to create automated workflows from lead capture to appointment follow-up in a few clicks ;
  • An intuitive and uncluttered interface makes it easy to use.

The disadvantages of Twilead

  • No free version (14 days free trial).

The price of Twilead

Twilead is offered in three packages, depending on your needs :

  •  Essentials , at €57 per month, ideal for start-up companies ;
  • Formula ” Professional ” at 97 € per month, thought for the companies which want to strengthen their development, without any limit ;
  • Formula ” Professional + “, a complete solution with a personalized help for your growth (on estimate).

#2 Contact Form 7, the flagship plugin of the Lead Gen

Contact Form 7 is one of the most popular WordPress plugins. It is in fact the ” top of mind ” tool of lead generation form creation. Installed more than 25 million times and rated 4.4 out of 5 (with 1, ,641 reviews), it’s the ideal solution for those who want to create basic forms, without the hassle. After activating the plugin, you just need to copy the short code of the form and paste it on the landing page. The host’s site offers some interesting third-party extensions, notably to validate emails and phone numbers entered by leads.

The advantages of Contact Form 7

  • Ease of use ;
  • The river documentation, either from the publisher or on the discussion forums dedicated to WordPress ;
  • Useful third-party extensions to go further ;
  • The plugin is free.

The disadvantages of Contact Form 7

  • The forms are basic and generic. It is imperative to use third-party extensions to go further ;
  • As the name suggests, this tool is limited to the creation of online forms ;
  • Analytics and reporting remain rudimentary and do not allow to generate relevant KPIs to refine the lead generation strategy.

The price of Contact Form 7

The Contact Form 7 plugin is free.

#3 Ninja Forms, the other sure thing on WordPress

It is the direct competitor of Contact Form 7, with which it shares several similarities : free plugin (basic version), installed several million times, simple to use but relatively limited. We appreciate the intuitive interface and the user experience, with drag & drop of the fields with ease. Laying out rows and columns is a breeze, as is setting up multi-page and/or conditional forms.

Users who need advanced features can opt for add-ons, such as creating download forms, setting up automatic emails, integrating an online payment module (PayPal or credit card) or integrating a form with ESP.

The benefits of Ninja Forms

  • The basic version (free) is more than sufficient for users who want to create simple Lead Gen forms ;
  • The intuitive interface and optimized user experience(Drag & Drop) ;
  • The extensions offered by the editor allow flexibility to pay only for the features you really need.

The disadvantages of Ninja Forms

  • The basic version does not allow you to create multi-page or dynamic forms. To create dynamic forms, you will need to install the add-on module for 45 € per year ;
  • Buying extensions individually can quickly become a problem. Indeed, with two or three extensions, you will end up with a price largely superior to more complete solutions ;
  • A few reliability issues that can hurt your lead generation efforts.

The price of Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms is available in two versions :

  • Free version : to be installed and activated from the WordPress dashboard ;
  • Premium version : accessible from 45 € per year.

You can also purchase third-party extensions separately.

#4 WPForms

As its name suggests, WPForms is a free plugin that allows you to add forms to WordPress sites. Developed in 2016 by the team that launched WPBeginner, OptinMonster and MonsterInsights, WPForms was thought for users who do not have technical knowledge in coding and development. The free version, called ” WPForms Lite “, offers 4 templates : the blank form, the contact form, the newsletter registration form and the review and suggestion form. Advanced users can customize these templates through CSS.

The tool is available in a paid version, called ” WPForms Pro “, with more advanced features like :

  • Payment management via PayPal and Stripe ;
  • The creation of conversational forms ;
  • The creation of surveys and polls ;
  • Zapier integrations, etc.

The advantages of WPForms

  • The Drag & Drop editor makes it easy to use the tool ;
  • The 4 templates offered in the free version allow you to create and integrate a form in a few seconds ;
  • Third party extensions are interesting ;
  • The support documentation is quite extensive.

The disadvantages of WPForms

  • The free version is very limited, and the ” Pro ” version can go up to $599 per year… an exorbitant price ;
  • Impossible to upload several files at the same time ;
  • Some reliability issues on notifications.

The price of WPForms

WPForms is available in two versions :

  • Free version, called WPForms Lite ;
  • Paid version, called WPForms Pro, which costs $39.50 per year (Basic), $99.50 per year (Pro Plus), €199.50 per year (Pro) or $299.50 per year (Elite).

#5 Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is probably the most complete form creation plugin on WordPress. The tool shines by its versatility (forms, surveys, satisfaction surveys…), its very user-friendly interface and its numerous third-party extensions. However, we regret the absence of a free version and a trial period.

The advantages of Gravity Forms

  • Great possibilities of customization, with a very easy integration of your logo and colors of your graphic charter ;
  • Ability to export submissions to Google Sheets for Analytics ;
  • Very user-friendly interface, with a very fluid menu ;
  • A versatile tool that allows you to create lead generation forms, but also satisfaction surveys, polls, quizzes, coupons, etc.

The disadvantages of Gravity Forms

  • Basic forms that have not been modified with CSS are bland and austere ;
  • Some integration problems with third-party extensions ;
  • No free version ;
  • No trial period.

The price of Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms is available in three packages :

  • The ” Basic ” license : $59 per year ;
  • The ” Pro ” license : $159 per year ;
  •  Elite   : $259 per year.

#6 Typeform

With its impressive versatility, Typeform covers a wide spectrum of data collection needs, from contact form design to satisfaction surveys and other complex polls, including personalized thank you pages, payments and logical jumps or ” Logic Jumps “. We appreciate the ” Analytics ” part which allows to make the collected data talk in order to rationalize the decision making.

The tool also offers many ready-to-use templates built around different objectives such as lead generation, customer feedback, surveys, etc. The customization of the models is relatively easy, even if it is necessary to acquire the knack to master all the features.

The advantages of Typeform

  • The many pre-saved templates (more than 100) that save time ;
  • Data analysis features ;
  • Questions can be associated with images and videos ;
  • Customization of the pre-registered templates is relatively easy ;
  • The forms are very nice.

The disadvantages of Typeform

  • The tool quickly becomes complicated when it comes to producing a qualification form ;
  • The free version is very limited, even unusable ;
  • The paid version is expensive (up to $70 per month).

Typeform’s price

Typeform is available as a free version, but it is (really) very limited, not to say unusable. Typeform’s paid plans start with the ” Essentials ” plan for $35 per month, which unlocks most of the software’s features. You have an unlimited number of forms and questions, the ability to collect payments and up to 3 logical jumps per form.

The Professional plan, which costs $50 per month, allows you to upgrade to 5,000 responses per month and unlimited logical jumps per form. The Premium plan allows you to upgrade to 10 000 responses per month for $70.

#7 Jotform

Jotform does not reinvent the wheel, but it distinguishes itself from its competitors by an interesting feature It allows you to create forms in collaborative mode, as you would on Google Drive, OneDrive or Canva… very practical to solicit your collaborators and refine your lead generation forms.

Another interesting advantage : the tool offers an impressive library, with more than 10 000 free templates organized by categories. Unfortunately, it is impossible to mark your favorite models, which hinders the user experience.

The advantages of Jotform

  • The collaborative mode not found in the competition ;
  • The impressive library of over 10 000 templates ;
  • The ability to set up automatic notifications on Slack ;
  • More than 200 third-party extensions ;
  • The cheapest plan is fairly feature rich ($19 per month).

The disadvantages of Jotform

  • Strangely, Jotform does not allow for logical jumps to send the visitor back to a given question based on their answers ;
  • Customer support is not responsive ;
  • It is impossible to mark your favorite templates on the library.

The price of Jotform

Jotform is available in a free version, with 5 forms, 100 submissions per month and 10 payments per month. The forms do, however, display the Jotform logo. There are three paid versions :

  • The ” Bronze ” plan, at $19 per month, with 1, ,000 bids per month ;
  • The ” Silver ” plan, at $39 per month, with 10 ,000 monthly bids ;

The Gold plan, at $99 per month, with 100 000 monthly bids.